Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

9.2 - Discussion Information Technology and Transportation

9.2 - Discussion Information Technology and Transportation

Q Research and Write Your instructor will assign you a mode of transportation to research for this discussion. • Conduct research on your assigned mode of transportation on how Information Technology (IT) has impacted that mode, either positively or negatively. • Identify challenges or risks with IT and lastly, describe the best practices in that industry's mode of transportation and how it impacted performance, profits, and/or process efficiencies. • Compose a 1-2 page essay and cite your sources where applicable using current APA format. Review the evaluation rubric for detailed grading criteria. Post and Engage Post your essay to this discussion forum and engage and express critical thinking through your responses to promote an interactive learning experience. Reply to at least three of your peers posts that were assigned a different mode. When responding, use terminology from your readings and cite related references, where applicable. Each response should be in your own words, grammatically sound, and free of spelling errors. Finally, remember to post early enough in the week to allow others the opportunity to respond to your posting.

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Railway transportation has been impacted by Information Technology (IT) in a positive manner mostly. This is because the real-time locations, the departure timings and destination reaching timings are calculated, estimated and provided to the customers for more convenience. There is the use of a cloud technology through which there is the gathering of essential data about the trains in different routes. The gathered data is used to ensure that previously committed mistakes by the drivers or the other administrators and human authorities of the railway transportation system are not repeated.